Introducing dcw: a Poor Man PaaS tool

Posted on Tue 28 March 2017 in Systems

Dcw (Docker Compose Wrapper) is very small and dirty Bash script wrapping the docker-compose command. The meaning of such wrapper is to expose some docker-compose operations and a set of well defined commands on the host machine.

The typical use-case is an SSH command executed via the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, in this way you can provide provide some docker-compose commands that can be execute with some specific docker-compose config files.

The containers pool

A pool is defined via a docker-compose YAML config file. The name of the config file defines the pool name.

All the YAML config files must reside into the folder defined via the dc_confd variable.

Once you created the config file you are ready to use dcw as an SSH command.


First of all you have to clone the git repo:

$ cd /opt
$ git clone

The git repository contains a ready to use docker-compose config file named nginx.yaml.

This file defines a pool of 3 NGINX containers, each container exposes an HTTP and HTTPS port and defines some data volumes, please refer to the docker-compose documentation for the file syntax.

The nginx.yaml defines also a label named with value docker exec -it nginx1 /bin/bash.

Configuring dcw is quite simple: you have to properly configure the following variables:

  • dc_confd: the directory conatining all the docker-compose YAML files (in this case /opt/dcw)
  • dc_denied_commands: (optional) a regex defining all the not allowed docker-compose, default ^kill|^rm
  • In case you want to have the Slack or HipChat integration all the other needed vars.

Now you are ready to use dcw into the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file: edit the authorized_keys in order to use the dcw script as an SSH command associated with an SSH public key:

command="/opt/dcw/dcw",no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1 [..] == pietro@hank

At this point everything should be ready and you can start using the tool: connect to the remote host using the proper SSH key and user:

$ ssh pietro.bertera@server help
INFO: SSH Original command: help

ssh user@remote-host <pool|command> <args>


Run the docker-compose ps over the ldap service pool:
    ssh user@remote-host pool ldap ps

Start the service ldap1 from the ldap pool:
    ssh user@remote-host pool ldap start ldap1

Execute the command defined into the label 'management.command' of the ldap1 container:
    ssh user@remote-host command ldap1 shell

List all the available commands into the container ldap1:
    ssh user@remote-host command ldap1 help

List all the containers in the nginx pool:

$ ssh pietro.bertera@server pool nginx ps
INFO: SSH Original command: pool nginx ps
INFO: executing docker-compose ps on nginx
 Name               Command                State                         Ports                     
nginx1   / nginx -g da ...   Exit 137>443/tcp,>80/tcp 
nginx2   / nginx -g da ...   Exit 137>443/tcp,>80/tcp 
nginx3   / nginx -g da ...   Exit 137>443/tcp,>80/tcp 
nginx4   / nginx -g da ...   Exit 137>443/tcp,>80/tcp 

Start the container nginx1:

$ ssh pietro.bertera@server pool nginx up -d nginx1
INFO: SSH Original command: pool nginx up -d nginx1
INFO: executing docker-compose up -d nginx1 on nginx
Creating network "nginx_default" with the default driver
Creating nginx1

Execute the command defined by the Docker label executing the command docker exec -it nginx1 /bin/bash on the host, in this case the -t SSH option is needed in order to allocate a pseudo terminal:

$ ssh -t pietro.bertera@server command nginx1 shell
INFO: SSH Original command: command nginx1 shell
INFO: executing command from label into container nginx1

If you configured also the Slack or HipChat integration all the command will be logged on Slack or HipChat too.


This tool doesn't provide any security feature, so should be used only to provide a simplified way to start/stop containers and execute commands to trusted users only.

For any suggestion, improvement or idea feel free to contact me.