How this website works

Posted on Wed 29 June 2016 in Cloud

After many years on Wordpress I decided to move my website to a static website.

I decided to adopt Pelican: a static website builder based on python and supporting reStructuredText, Markdown, or AsciiDoc.

Moreover I decided to use GitHub pages to host the website.

The pdf plugin comes from Cyrille Rossant.


In order to maintain a clean approach I use a self-contained Docker container for managing the whole authoring and publishing / deploying workflow: the Dockerfile defines a container based on the python:3 image plus all the needed packages and the Flex theme.

The Docker image is automatically build on Docker hub

The manage script

The is a wrapper around the docker run command the script accepts all the valid Makefile target plus the deploy, build and update. The first argument will deploy the website into the gh-pages branch, the second one creates the Docker image. The update argument is the same of make html && make serve inside of the container